

Formation at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

St. Martin’s is a ministry supported by St. Paul’s in downtown Fayetteville. Members of St. Paul’s often participate at St. Martin’s and you are most welcome to participate at St. Paul’s! There are a variety of offers available to you. Sunday worship is, of course, open to all. Services are at 7:30 am, 8:45 am, and 11:00 am. Also check out their current formation offers available on both Sundays and Wednesdays. Wednesday evenings also include supper at 5:15 pm and Eucharist beginning at 6:00 pm.

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Baptism, Reception, Confirmation and Reaffirmation

If you join us at St. Martin’s and find yourself longing for Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception into the Episcopal Church, call St. Paul’s Episcopal Church to learn more. 


Read from the Episcopal Church about baptism here.


Confirmation is an adult affirmation of faith. Anyone from teenage years and up is welcome to learn more about the life of the church and about a Christian life of faith as preparation for confirmation. The Episcopal Church also offers Reception into our tradition from many other denominations. Reception is an opportunity to join the Episcopal Church if you have already been baptized and confirmed elsewhere.


Reaffirmation is exactly what is sounds like. It is a chance to reaffirm those vows made at baptism. Some people will find this another helpful way to express their adult faith or rejoice in a return to the church.